Each profile represents a unique soul in Neptune, seeking a connection that transcends the ordinary. Whether they’re chasing dreams, embracing the supernatural, or leading with power, love knows no boundaries in the enchanting town of Neptune, Texas. 

Michael Ashcroft

Age: 29
Sex: M
Neptune, TX
Occupation: CEO of Ashcroft Industries
About: A charismatic and driven entrepreneur, I thrive on innovation and success. You'll find me indulging in outdoor adventures or enjoying a classic novel when I'm not leading my company to new heights, seeking someone who appreciates ambition and isn't afraid to share their dreams.

Eleanor Silvermoon

Age: 27
Sex: F
Neptune, TX
Occupation: Spirited Werewolf and Wilderness Guide
About: A wild spirit in human form, I live for the thrill of the hunt and the freedom of the forest. Guiding others through the wilderness is my calling, and under the full moon, I transform into my true self. Looking for someone unafraid to embrace my dual nature and explore life's untamed beauty.

Orion Frost

Age: 34
Sex: M
Neptune, TX
Occupation: Shapeshifter and Sculptor
About: A master of transformation in art and life, I sculpt emotions into form and adapt to every situation gracefully. My studio is my sanctuary, and I'm seeking someone who appreciates the fluidity of existence and the beauty of constant change.

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